Sunday, December 23, 2012

Boarduino - Arduino for your Breadboard

Don't want to make all those extra jumps while you're prototyping?  Check out the Boarduino with it's slim form factor it's perfect for quicker arduino project testing.

Oversized LED 7-Segment Display

Need a 5" LED to let people know?  These 7-Segment Displays are good for making sure your electronics project isn't overlooked.

LED 7-SEG 5.0" 1DGT HIEFF RED CC | LTS-50301HRB | 160-1021-ND | Digi-Key Corp.

Carboard at Size - Make Cardboard Furniture the Easier Way

Those out there that ship or pack on a regular basis may already be familiar with Uline.  But you may not have thought about creative uses for their pre-sized cardboard slabs.  I made a few furniture pieces from carboard and the cutting was always a hassle.  Then I realized I could circumnavigate the hassle by buying it to size.  Here's the regular cardboard pads and here's some real thick honeycomb void fill to make those large peices faster.

coffee table from How to Recycle
example of a table from Room For Horse

Liquid Tight Cord Grips

Good for keeping things dry on either end of your cord.  Outdoor speaker encasing or underwater electronics; keep the liquid out.  Available at Heyco.


Oilite Bearings - Slick

Oilite is a brass or iron part impregnated with oil.  The bearings are good for anything that turns or slides including robot applications or making your own tools with moving parts.  You can buy them at McMaster-Carr and various other places.


The Fireball CNC Router features Oilite bearings.

Aerogel - Wonder Material

Aerogel truly is a wonder material.  Lighter than air and has the lowest heat capacitance of any known substance.  I personally haven't found a project for mine yet, but just holding it in your hand with a flame over it is cool enough.  Here's a link to the DIY make your own at  But if you just want to buy some, you can get a sample disk over at



Sugru - Brilliant

Sugru works great.  I've used it all over my house, in my vehicles, and on my gadgets to make mods as I see fit.  Some makers have used it for molds and other things to assist their own invention.  Check out their website for a great portfolio of user created pics.

Sugru has a wonderful entrepreneurial story behind it.  Creator Jane NĂ­ Dhulchaointigh went from person with idea, to DIY lab tech, to inventor extraordinaire over a grueling trial and error period.  I definitely recommend watching this QandA with the inventor.  Or for a shorter presentation, here's her TED video.